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Text Recognition and Translation
Erase original texts from images
Edit texts in translated image
Fine-tune text formats including font family, size, color, background
Restore mistranslation like Brand, Proper nouns and abbreviations
Save editor workspace for future modification
Download results as PNG/JPG image
Bulk images translation and editing
Dedicated Email Support (1~2 Business Days)
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Text Recognition and Translation
Erase original texts from images
Edit texts in translated image
Fine-tune text formats including font family, size, color, background
Restore mistranslation like Brand, Proper nouns and abbreviations
Save editor workspace for future modification
Download results as PNG/JPG image
Bulk images translation and editing
Dedicated Email Support (1~2 Business Days)
Unfortunately, we are unable to provide a free trial due to the high server resource consumption of image processing. However, you may opt for the minimum one-time payment to test our service.
There is no limit to the categories of images that can be translated. However, past experience has shown that our service is most effective for user scenarios that require high-quality translated images and allow for manual fine-tuning of details within the images. Examples of such scenarios include product listings, promotional images, scanned documents, and technical diagrams.
While there are many free image translation systems available in the market, our system offers additional features that are specifically designed to generate high-quality translated images suitable for production systems. In addition to text recognition and translation, we utilize the latest AI techniques to infer the original text formats, including font, size, color, and background color. We make an effort to preserve these text formats in the translated images. Furthermore, we convert all texts in the images into an editable format and offer a powerful online editor that allows you to easily adjust the text content and format.
Yes. Image translation involves various complex techniques such as OCR (Optical Character Recognition), image Inpainting, text format guessing, language translation, and paragraph recognition. Each of these steps can have limitations, even for the latest AI systems. Our system has been observed to have difficulty in translating images that contain numerous small texts closely distributed but not in a paragraph format. However, when the texts are larger and distributed separately from each other or in larger paragraphs, the system demonstrates good performance.
Sure, You can cancel your subscription in the console -> account -> manage subscription page. or Feel free to click Contact Support button and submit your requirements, we will handle them in 1-3 working days.